2U2 - to you, too
AAMOF - as a matter of fact
AFAIK - as far as I know
AFAIC - As far as I'm concerned
AFAICT - As far as I can tell
AFK - away from keyboard
AFU - all f__ked up
AMF - Adios, motherf__ker!
AOL - Army Of Lamers
ASAP - as soon as possible
ASL - age, sex, location
BBIAB - be back in a bit
BBL - be back later
BCNUL8R - be see'n you later
BITMT - but in the meantime
BOT - back on topic
BRB - be right back
BTW - by the way
BWL - bursting with laughter
BYO - bring your own
C4N - ciao for now
CFC - cause for concern
CFD - call for discussion
CFV - call for vote
CRS - can't remember sh_t
CU - see you
CUCME - see you see me (video conference program)
CUL8R - see you later
CWOT - complete waste of time
CYA - see ya / cover your ass
DAMIFINO - damn if I know
DILLIGAF? - Do I look like I give a f__k?
DIY - do it yourself
DWL - Dying With Laughter
EMFJI - excuse me for jumping in
EOD - end of discussion
EOT - end of transmission
F2F - face to face / flesh to flesh
FAI - frequently argued issue
FAQ - frequently asked questions
FBOW - for better or worse
FOAD - f__k off and die
FOAF - friend of a friend
FOCL - falling off chair laughing
FUBAB - f__ked up beyond all belief
FUBAR - f__ked up beyond all reason / recognition / repair
FWIW - for what it's worth
FYA - for your amusement
FYI - for your information
FYIV - f__k you, I'm vested
FYYSOS - f__k you, you sack of sh_t
GAL - get a life
GBTW - get back to work
GFC - going for coffee
GFETE - grinning from ear to ear
GJIAGDVYFCN - go jump in a god-damn volcano, you f__king cave newt
GLLA - great lovers love alike
GMGO - giggling my guts out
GMTA - great minds think alike
GR&D - grinning, running & ducking
GRMBL - grumble
GTG - got to go
GTK - good to know
HAB - hot Asian babe
HAND - have a nice day
HHOK - ha ha only kidding
HTH - hope this helps
IAC - in any case
IAE - in any event
IAWTP - I agree with this post
IC - I see
IDGI - I don't get it
IDK - I don't know
IIRC - if I remember correctly
IKYABWAI - I know you are but what am I
IMCO - in my considered opinion
IMHO - in my humble opinion
IMNSHO - in my not so humble opinion
IMO - in my opinion
IMPE - in my previous/personal experience
IMVHO - in my very humble opinion
IOTTMCO - intuitively obvious to the most casual observer
IOW - in other words
IRL - in real life
IYKWIM - if you know what I mean
IYSWIM - if you see what I mean
JIC - just in case
J/K - just kidding
JPYL - just pulling your leg
JYYC - just yanking your chain
KISS - keep it simple s.tupid
LAGNAF - Let's all get naked and f__k!
LMAO - laughing my ass off
LMK - let me know
LOL - laughing out loud
LTNS - long time no see
LTNT - long time no talk
MOMAIB - man oh man am I beat
MTCW - my two cents worth
NAP - not a problem
NC - no comment
NP - no problem
NRN - no reply necessary
ONNA - oh no, not again!
OOTC - obligatory on-topic content
OTOH - on the other hand
P911 - parent (emergency) is watching
PAW - parents are watching
PCMCIA - people can't memorize computer industry acronyms
PITA - pain in the ass
PLS - please
PMFJI - pardon me for jumping in
PMP - peeing my pants
POETS - piss on everyone tomorrows saturday
REHI - hello again / re-Hi
RO(T)FL - rolling on the floor laughing
ROFLMAO - rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
RSN - real soon now
RTDox - read the documentations
RTFM - read the f__king manual
SAPFU - Surpasses All Previous F__k-Ups
SHTSI - somebody had to say it
SNAFU - situation normal; all f__ked up
SO - significant other
TANSTAAFL - there ain't no such thing as a free lunch
TAFN - that's all for now
THPH - the higher paid help
THX - thanks
TIA - thanks in advance
TLA - three letter acronym
TMA - too many acronyms
TMFA - too many f__king acronyms
TMI - too much information
TMK - to my knowledge
TOS - terms of service
TPTB - the powers that be
TSWC - tell someone who cares
TTBOMK - to the best of my knowledge
TTFN - ta-ta for now
TTWIG - that's the way it goes
TTYL - talk to you later
TWIMC - to whom it may concern
TYVM - thank you very much
URW - you are welcome
WB - welcome back
WIIWD - what it is we do
WIKI - what I know is
WILBI - wouldn't it be lovely if
WRT - with regard to
WTF - what / who / where the f__k
WTFRU - w- ho the f__k are you
WTFWT - what the f__k was that
WTG - way to go
WTMI - way too much information
WWDWIIWD - when we do what it is we do
WYSITWIRL - what you see is totally worthless in real life
WYSIWYG - what you see is what you get
YA - yet another
YABA - yet another bloody acronym
YAFIYGI - you ask for it, you get it
YGIAGAM - your guess is as good as mine
YGWYPF - you get what you pay for
YMMV - your mileage may vary
YVW - you're very welcome
YW - you're welcome
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